This might be my last day typing under the coconuts and bananas’ leaves. This morning the winds seem a little shy that it hasn’t come out to play. The couple of days have been very hot, I think in the 30 c. I have been having a hard time breathing lately. It could be the heat. The leaves are still in the position they were met to. Everything is so green with little light shining between the branches. The dirt is cover with dry brown death leaves that have fallen from it trees since who know when. I am sure it will decompose back to the ground and the tree.
Nature seems to have it way in the ecosystem. The dogs, cats and chicken are under the shade and some places that are cool. I notice mother hen is digging through the dirt with her feet so she can relax with the cool dirt and her little chicken too.
There is no electricity since this morning around 5:00am.I woke up to a strange dream, I don’t think it was a nightmare but it was so kind of a warning. I dreamt that a friendly ghost came to warn me about when the evil ghost is coming to haunt me. It warns me between midnight and 5:00am in the morning. I told the friendly ghost to let the evil ghost to not haunt me yet I was enjoying my sleep. As I finish telling the friendly ghost this, the evil ghost started to haunt me. The friendly ghost told me to move my feet and body so I could wake up, then it won’t haunt me. So I woke up and the fan was out. I don’t think it was out to long before I was awake the air was still cooling.
I am not sure what my dreamt was all about and not sure if I believe in ghost but as a child I had nightmares about ghost haunting me regularly. It seems logic to think that it is warning me about life in general about people who I can trust and not to trust. Other than that I cannot interpret the dream. People here seem to be into dream that it has meaning and is trying to tell us about our current life. Sometime I chose to believe other than that I try not to. However, I see myself of believing about dream interpret about the present life. Often happen to me where I dreamt about something and next thing you know it came true. So I will take this is a message to be careful in the next few days or so. It strange that I haven’t dreamt in weeks especially since I been here until this morning.
The light is still out. Aunt-in-law told me that it will be out for the rest of the day. No watching T.V shows today. I told her more time for me to read and do my homework. Since I been here I watch shows with grandma. Not because I enjoy watching drama novella as they have in Costa Rica, is because I just wanted to send time with grandma. Whatever she is doing, I want to be there in every moment of it. I am not sure when I will see grandmother again. We have missed so many of years growing up; celebration, birthdays, New Years and weddings. I value and try to capture every pieces of each moment. I try to take pictures but that doesn’t fully complete the value of sending time with grandmother. I am going to miss this place. Is so peaceful and the value of family and friends is a lot to learn from.
Even though the electricity is out, my aunt-in-law still managed to cook food. She doesn’t cook with electricity but with wood in the moveable stove. It is good in a time like this. In the state where everyone depends on the electricity.
I am going to miss my evening runs with my little cousins especially the 15 years old who been with me every day. I am going to miss my aunt-in-law taking me to the internet café and waited there for me until I’m finish with email and sending messages. I am going to miss the late night fruits drinks with her as well after the internet café. I am going to miss grandmother’s energy, love, wisdom and kind heart. I am going to miss the rich soil and green tropical that this civilization appreciates each day.
I am going to miss the wooden bed underneath the mosquitoes net. I am going to miss my little cousins playing their close to nothing rocks. I am going to miss everyone and everything in this glory land of wonderful happy people and rich fresh fruits to eat from everyday.