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Monday, August 1, 2016

The Leader within Me

It only takes one person to make a positive impact on a child.  My seventh grade teacher saw something in me that forever changed my life.  Excited to learn English, I found myself looking up every words in the dictionary, but avoiding math.  Learning math was like forcing a child to eat their vegetables at an ice cream store.  As my eagerness to learn English grew, I came to find that math still was not my favorite subject in middle school.  I stayed after school for many hours until I learned basic Algebra.  Another challenge that I came to accept as a newly arrived refugee in America was that I now needed to fit in to the social norm.  After my first and last fight at school, my math teacher, Mrs. Kelli, encouraged me to join a student-led organization calls ASB.  I remember this experience being a punishment for me.  I had to plan dances and organize events.  As time went by, I learned to enjoy the experience.  The skills and friends I made kept me out of trouble and kept me from my personal worries.  Little bit I know, that was just the beginning of my leadership journey.  I soon found myself going from being a high school representative to representing my college’s Student Union Association and later holding leadership positions in my career.  These experiences allowed me to gain leadership skills while helping others along the way.  Time and time again, I found myself back in taking on more leadership opportunities and roles.  I am happy to have recently accepted my true calling of being a leader.