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Saturday, July 4, 2009

Living with Cool and Hip Nuns

I would say that I am very lucky to find such an affordable place to live in Geneva where everything is very expensive! I live in a all female dorm setting. I have my own small private room filled with desk, chair, twin bed and a closet. Plus, my bed come with sheets and blanket. On top of this, I get free breakfast! So I thought I am pretty set for the next three months. However, I realized I needed to get pan, plates, silverware and etc. The next day, one of the sister had ask me in French and limited English if I needed kitchen supplies. Another great deal that they have to offer here is that they supply guests with kitchen goodies! So now I cook rice of course and sometime chicken with veggie. I don’t need to go and buy new item of kitchen equipments.

Living with nuns is not all that bad. However, there are good and bad sides to this. For example, the nuns here does not dress or is cover all in black uniform. Which is good because otherwise, it would always remind me being at a church or something. Yes, they dress normal! I think there are about 5 of them from variety of background, race, and age living with us (other female). Only two that speak well in English and the rest speak French.

When I first met my room, I was very please and content. Except one odd thing that I discovered about my room. The fact matter is there a toilet looking located near my sink by the door when you entry. It has a turning on and off for water to flow out. However, there is no flash button anywhere. I was not sure if I should use it. I couldn’t find the bathroom anywhere because I don’t read French! So I hold it until I find one of the sister that speak English for explanation. She told me, “It is not a toilet, that is for you to wash your feet and mop the floor with.” I respond with a relieve, “Well thanks goodness because I almost had an accident in there! She laugh and lead me to the right toilet. Which by the way toilet in Geneva is a restroom.

The building is located across from a bar, hospital, behind restaurants and mini shops. It is a five stories building with kitchen, shower and restroom on the second floor, which is where I stay. The complain I been hearing from other girls is that it is hard for them to get their stuff and sometime not knowing where their things are at. For example, their food is in the freezer upstairs and the kitchen is downstairs especially those who are on the fifth floor! I guess I have it easy since my freeze and food is on the same floor as my dorm!

Transpiration in Geneva is very reliable and easy access! It seems as though everyone take the Tram- semi subway to work and anywhere else in Geneva. In every stop there a ticket booth you can buy your ticket. The system of getting on the bus, tram or any transportation in Geneva is like an honor system. Basically, they check for ticket every now and then. Some if people don’t feel like buying a ticket that is a risk they take. However, from what I noticed is that people do buy their ticket! Because the cause of getting caught is very high! This small city does not really need cars to pollute it air. The city is so small that I can either take the tram or walk, which is about 5 to 10 minutes from downtown. Also, one of the tram go directly to my office which is about 20 minutes! That is always a plus!

One thing that I look forward to on the weekend and off work (of course) beside Skpying with my handsome fiancé Eric, is getting to know very interesting girls in my dorm. They are from all over the world and doing amazing thing! Sometime, I would have breakfast with girls from India, Vietnam, Ceska Republic, Nigeria, and Colombia at the same table sharing stories and interests of international work and fighting for humanitarian cause. We make sure that everyone is comfortable speaking in English. Since there are various languages that are spoken. I would say most girls speak at least two or three languages. So if one language does not work, we try another one. Sometime, I would surround myself with new friends from the states who are from everywhere. So really, it is an amazing place to be if you love to learn about other languages and cultures. It is an honor that every I go, I encounter someone that either speak English or Spanish. Even though I get loss I end up finding my way with my language skills. I guess this is the life of an international traveler.

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